Hortus Deliciarum

Hortus Deliciarum
Il Sito Anacreontico
Erschienen am 4. November 2024:
William Shakespeare - Macbeth
Englisch-Deutsche Studienausgabe
This site is dedicated to cultural achievements, either sadly forgotten or shamefully neglected.
Its primary focus is on literature, philosophy, music, painting, architecture, and assorted aspects in sixteenth and seventeenth century European culture. It stretches from the rinascimento in Italy to England, Spain, France, Germany, and elsewhere. And in fact, it goes far beyond this in time, leading up right to the present day.

The site is meant to be an enrichment to all those interested in this field. As such it is benevolent. It does not attack comments or recommendations offered by others with the sincerest of all intents.
Thus, if you have made any discoveries or rediscoveries that might be to the benefit of us all, we shall be delighted to add your contribution to this site.
Language barriers are no impediment to contribute. In fact, they are considered as an enrichment, reflecting the open spirit of the site. Hence contributions in all major European languages, be it in English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Russian, or hopefully even in Latin, will not be translated and will be published in their original version.
Moreover, you are most welcome to exchange your views via blogging.
Kind greetings to you all from the Garden of Delights!

My Lovely Garden
The tulip, jasmin, ebony, and rose,
Of which we’ll garlands for thy head compose
Nature to make my fountain, did its part,
Which ever flows without the help of Art,
A faithful mirror shall its water be,
Where thou may’st sit beneath a shady tree.
Philip Ayres, 1638-1712